
The cornerstone of any successful project – get this wrong and the chances are that things will go badly from here on
Understanding and predicting financial consequences during the development stage, setting realistic budgets – these are the essentials.

We all like to know that we are getting the best ‘bang for our buck’. Competitive pricing based on comprehensive documentation and specifications, this in a free market economy – in the relatively small market, this needs to be fair and equitable. Thorough adjudication of bids with careful consideration of qualifications and exclusions is of paramount importance
Close monitoring of all costs and risks, measured against pre-set budgets throughout the duration of the project. Careful preparation of progress payment certificates, detailed assessment of contract instructions (“VO’s and extra’s”) and contractual claims. Finalisation and wrapping up of project account.

All properties require regular valuations in particular for insurance purposes. Get it wrong and you are either paying too much, or in the event of total destruction, you get paid out too little. Get it valued by an expert
The role of the Principal Agent, as demanded by the various contract forms, is complex and onerous. Decision making entails risk for both the employer and the contractor – a fine line. Clear understanding of the T&C’s of the contract are paramount.
About Us
Shaping the Future for over 35 Years
In 1986 Mike Slabber first registered a practise which later became known as Slabber Fick Associates (SFAQS). More recently SLAConsult (SLAQS) has been added to the stable focusing primarily on the specific needs of the private sector. The two practises operating ‘in association’
The combined knowledge and experience covers a wide spectrum of projects. This, coupled with trained professional personnel, latest technology, a pro-active approach, and constantly striving for the highest standards in quality, integrity and effective communication, makes us worth considering for your next project
Let’s Build Something
Adding value to building projects through effectively managing financial and contractual risk, in the context of a wide range of projects, in the most effective manner with the greatest integrity
6 Bursa Road, Sunset Beach 7441
+27 (0) 82 780 7099
+27 (021) 555 2999